Thematic Network EUCEET

State-of-the art of the Project in its third year

(1 September 2000 – 31 August 2001)

by Professor Iacint Manoliu
Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest
Secretary General of the EUCEET Steering Committee

In the AECEF Newsletter 1-2/2000, a State-of-the art of the EUCEET Project in its second year (1. September 1999 – 31. August 2000) was included.

In what follows, a brief presentation is made on the activities undertaken in the time interval elapsed since the end of April 2000, when the report for AECEF Newsletter 1-2/2000 was written, and April 2001.

The EUCEET Second General Assembly, Odense, Denmark, 18-20 May 2000

The EUCEET Second General Assembly took place on 18-20 May 2000 in Odense, organised and hosted by The Engineering College of Odense.

The Assembly was attended by 68 participants representing 44 institutions partners in the project.

In the first plenary session, Prof. Soren Ahle Hansen, Head of the Civil Engineering Department of The Engineering College Odense, made a welcome address.

Prof. Marie-Ange Cammarota, Coordinator, from the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées Paris, presented the report ”EUCEET between Barcelona and Odense”, informing the participants on the evolutions occurred since the first General Assembly in respect to the size and the composition of the network, the support received from the commission and the co-financing.

Prof. Iacint Manoliu, presented a lecture entitled “Civil Engineering in the context of the European higher education area – the role of EUCEET” from the Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Secretary General of the EUCEET Steering Committee.

The plenary session chaired by Prof. Richard Kastner (INSA Lyon) was devoted to the presentation and discussions on two reports prepared by the Working Group A on the basis of the responses received at the Questionnaire on undergraduate civil engineering education in Europe. One report was devoted to matters related to the organization of studies (name of the academic degree, calendar information, entry requirements, progress of students, examinations, final assessment, credits etc). The second report dealt with various aspects concerning curricula for programmes of short (3-4 years) and long (4.5–5–6 years) duration, with emphasis put on the distribution of the total number of contact hours between the eight categories of subjects. Both reports, in preliminary form, were prepared by Prof. Iacint Manoliu and Assoc. Prof. Tudor Bugnariu from the Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest.

The plenary session chaired by Prof. Josef Machacek (Czech Technical University Prague) was devoted to the presentation and discussions on two papers prepared by the Working Group B.

Prof. Ferreira Lemos (University of Porto) presented the paper on Accreditation for Engineering Courses.

Prof. Manfred Federau (The Engineering College Odense) presented the paper on Quality Management in Civil Engineering Educational Institutions.

Prof. Pericles Latinopoulos (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) chaired the plenary session devoted to the Working Group C.

Prof. Laurie Boswell (City University London) presented the Report on ”Synergies between University, Research, Industry and Public Authorities in the Construction Sector of Europe” based on the survey undertaken by the WG C amongst the partners in the network. The next three plenary sessions were devoted to the new Working Groups D, E, F.

In the plenary session chaired by Prof. Stanislaw Majewski (Silesian University of Technology Gliwice) Prof. Iacint Manoliu, Chairman of the Working Group D, presented the Terms of reference proposed for the WG D, including a draft of a questionnaire on postgraduate programmes in civil engineering education in Europe.

In the plenary session chaired by Prof. Bruce Misstear (Trinity College Dublin), Prof. Patrick Holmes, Imperial College London, chairman of the Working Group E, presented the terms of reference proposed for the WG E.

In the plenary session chaired by Prof. Aarne Jutila (Technical University Helsinki), M. François-Gerard Baron (European Council of Civil Engineers) chairman of the Working Group F, presented the terms of reference proposed for the WG F.

Presentations made by the chairpersons of the three Working Groups were followed by lively discussions, during which very constructive proposals for improving the terms of reference were made.

The third and last day of the General Assembly started with parallel sessions during which the participants distributed among the three new Working Groups D, E, and F.

In the closing plenary session, chairpersons of the Working Groups D, E, and F presented the activity plan of the WG based on the discussions and proposals made during the plenary session and on the decisions adopted in the first meeting of the newly constituted WGs.

Meetings of the Steering Committee in Prague, Budapest and Paris

The 4th and last meeting in the 2nd year of the Steering Committee took place in Prague, on 21 July 2000.

The meeting was organised and hosted by the Czech Technical University and was attended by the members of the Steering Committee representing Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées Paris, Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Imperial College London, City University London, ETSICCP Madrid, T.U. Berlin, University of Porto, INSA Lyon and AECEF as well as by other representatives of the partner institutions. A report on the financial situation of EUCEET in the 2nd year, prepared by Prof. Marie-Ange Cammarota and Assoc. Prof. Nicoleta Rãdulescu, was presented, in view of the Final Report for the second year, due to be sent to the commission by 30 September 2000.

Prof. Marie-Ange Cammarota informed about the bid organised for the publication of the first EUCEET volume. Offers were received from companies in France, Spain, Denmark and Romania.

On the basis of the best offer in compliance with the terms of reference, the Steering Committee decided to entrust the publication of the volume to a Bucharest based publishing house.

The Chairpersons of the Working Groups A, B, and C informed about the last meetings of the respective WG.

The Steering Committee discussed the proposal presented by Prof. Iacint Manoliu, the Secretary General of the Steering Committee, on the table of content for the first EUCEET volume which will contain the papers, reports and studies prepared by the Working Groups A, B, C as well as the materials presented in the opening plenary session of the General Assembly in Odense. The Steering Committee nominated as editor of the volume Prof. I.Manoliu.

Prof. Iacint Manoliu presented the draft of the First announcement and call of papers for the EUCEET-ECCE Conference ”Challenges to the civil engineering profession in Europe at the beginning of the new millennium” which is planned to take place in Romania in July 2001, before the third EUCEET General Assembly. Several proposals were made requiring a new version to be discussed with ECCE and with the chairman of the Working Group F, which will be in first place involved in finalising the programme of the Conference.

The first meeting of the Steering Committee in the third year took place on 8 December 2000 in Budapest and was hosted by the Budapest University of Technology and Economies.

The Meeting was attended by the following members of the Steering Committee: Prof. Marie-Ange Cammarota, ENPC Paris, Coordinator; Dr. David Lloyd Smith, Imperial College London, Deputy Coordinator; Prof. Iacint Manoliu, TUCE Bucharest, Secretary General; Prof. Laurie Boswell, City University London; Prof. José Manuel Pinto Ferreira Lemos, University of Porto; Prof. Manfred Federau, Engineering College of Odense; Prof. José Luis Juan-Aracil, ETSICCP Madrid; Prof. Richard Kastner, INSA Lyon; Prof. Josef Machacek, Czech Technical University, Prague and AECEF; Prof. Benjamin Suárez Arroyo, Technical University of Catalunia.

The meeting was also attended by a number of representatives of partner institutions, namely: Mr. Colin Kerr, Imperial College London; Prof. Ryszard Kowalczyk, University of Beira Interior; Prof. Vaclav Kuraz, Czech Technical University; Assoc. Prof. Nicoleta Radulescu, TUCE Bucharest, Deputy member of the EUCEET Executive Board; Prof. Peter Ruge, Technical University of Dresden; Prof. Ivan Totev, Faculty of Structural Engineering of Sofia.

The Budapest University of Technology and Economics was represented by: Prof. György Farkas, Dean of Civil Engineering Faculty; Prof. Antal Lovas; Assoc. Prof. Istvan Bodi.

Prof. Marie-Ange Cammarota, made a comprehensive overview of the financial situation project. A synthesis is given in the table 1.

The new academic partners for the 3rd year of the project are:

Table 1

Requested Approved by contract Received Spent
1998-1999 58 42 243 000 135 000 108 000 92 621
1999-2000 66 51 335 000 286 300 229 040 207 383
2000-2001 80 61 500 000 269 560 215 648 -

The next point on the agenda focused on the activity of the Working Groups.

Prof. Iacint Manoliu, Chairman of the Working Group D made an information about the activities of the Group. He presented the table of the answers received to the questionnaire.

The next meeting of the Working Group D is planned for 19 January 2001 at Barcelona, hosted by Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya.

For the Working Group E the summary of progress has been presented by Prof. David Lloyd Smith on behalf of Mr. Patrick Holmes.

Working Group E has divided into three sub-groups with eight to ten colleagues in each group. The sub-groups are:

  1. Attitudes and Skills of learning (Students and Academics), Chairman Luis Lemos (Portugal)
  2. Methods of Communication, Chairman Demod Angelides (Thessaloniki)
  3. Balance in Engineering Education, Chairman Eivind Bratteland (Trondheim)

All groups started their work following the Odense meeting, communicating by e-mail. On October 19, 20 and 21st 2000 the Group met at the University of Thessaloniki, Greece. An opening Plenary Session allowed discussion of the sub-groups objectives and how they would link together in a Final report. Each Chairman then summarised the intended work of his Sub-group so that all members of the Group were aware of the overall work plan.

Then the sub-groups met individually for further work, in order to identify key objectives and to allocate specific tasks to individual members. A final Plenary Session was held at which progress reports were given by each Sub-group, again to ensure that all members were aware of the routes by which the work was to progress and for the Chairman of the Working Group to see where overlaps or omissions may exist.

Working Sub-group 1 had only three members present and, following some discussion, those colleagues joined the other two groups to contribute to their discussions. However, it did decide to ask members of EUCEET to ask selected groups of their students to complete a questionnaire designed to explore student attitudes. This questionnaire has been used previously an a small scale in the H3E Network but the proposed exercise is at a larger scale. The questionnaire is now available in English, French and German and is being translated into other languages for use in this case.

At the end of the meeting each Sub-group had clearly identified its own objectives and the members are taking responsibility for different parts of the work.

Sub-group 2 identified the main teaching and learning methods to be considered in relation to the application of Information Technology in support of those methods.

Sub-group 3 explored the balance between scientific topics and ”professional” skills, having before the meeting, reviewed the literature concerning the expected evolution of the profession of civil engineering in the future.

Mr.Colin Kerr presented a short information regarding the activity of the Working Group F, chaired by Mr. Francois-Gérard Baron. He specified that, due to the special nature of the subject the Working Group F is dealing with the number of the participants to this Group was rather reduced at the beginning. Prof. Manoliu showed that it is necessary to increase the number of the National Reports received till now and proposed the postponement of the deadline of the submission of the National Reports until the end of January 2001.

Participants of the EUCEET Steering Committee Meeting (Prague, July 2000)

1. Jiri Vaska
2. Hynek Sertler
3. Laurie Boswell
4. Bruce Misstear
5. Vincentas Stragys
6. Juris Naudznus
7. Colin Kerr
8. Dusan Katunsky
9. Richard Kastner
10. Antal Lovas
11. Josef Dicky
12. Yveta Linhartova
13. Ludovit Fillo
14. Ghislain Fonder
15. Stefan Bergman
16. Vaclav Kuraz
17. Tudor Bugnariu
18. Wojciech Gilewski
19. Istvan Bodi
20. Alois Materna
21. José Ferreira Lemos
22. José-Luis Juan-Aracil
23. Manfred Federau
24. Alan Kwan
25. Josef Machacek
26. David Lloyd-Smith
27. Marie-Ange Cammarota
28. Iacint Manoliu
29. Nicoleta Radulescu
30. Stanislaw Majewski
31. Ryszard Kowalczyk
32. Andrzej Lapko

The Working Group F organised a meeting on 27 October 2000 in London, hosted by Institution of Civil Engineers.The next meeting is planned for 1 March 2001 at Paris, hosted by ENPC. At the end of the first session, Prof. Amos Detrekoi, the Rector of the BUTE, addressed a very warm welcome to the participants to the EUCEET Steering Committee meeting.

In the second session, Prof. Iacint Manoliu made a state-of-the-art of the first EUCEET volume ”Inquiries into European Higher Education in Civil Engineering”. All three Working Groups finished their contributions, the Working Groups B and C sending them to Bucharest.

Some details concerning the cover sheet and the table of contents have been discussed.

Prof. Iacint Manoliu made a comprehensive presentation of the ”Bologna Declaration” and its impact on engineering education in Europe, followed by comments and discussions.

Prof. Joséf Ferreira Lemos briefly introduced the ESOEPE (European Standing Observatory for the Engineering Profession and Education). The first meeting will take place on 27 January 2001 in Darmstadt, following the 3rd European Workshop on Accreditation of Engineering Programmes.

In the third session, Prof. Iacint Manoliu presented to the participants the proposals related to the next EUCEET meetings venues and dates.

Prof. Marie-Ange Cammarota and Prof. Iacint Manoliu proposed to the participants that the EUCEET project, ending at 31 August 2001, be followed by a one-year dissemination period. An expression of interest has been already sent to Brussels.

Prof. Iacint Manoliu informed the participants about the preparations underway for the EUCEET-ECCE International Conference ”Challenges to the Civil Engineering profession in Europe at the beginning of the third millennium” organised by the TUCEB and UAICR (RO), which will take place on 13-15 July 2001 in Sinaia, Romania. The first Bulletin including call for papers and pre-registration form was sent in early November 2000 by the coordinator to all partners. In addition, copies were distributed to the representatives of the professional associations attending the ECCE meeting in London, on 26-27 October 2000.

The second meeting of the Steering Committee in the third year took place on 2 March 2001 in Paris, hosted by the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées.

The meeting was attended by the following members of the Steering Committee: Prof. Marie-Ange Cammarota, ENPC Paris, Coordinator; Dr. David Lloyd Smith, Imperial College London, Deputy Coordinator; Prof. Iacint Manoliu, TUCE Bucharest, Secretary General; Prof. Laurie Boswell, City University London; Prof. José Manuel Pinto Ferreira Lemos, University of Porto; Prof. Manfred Federau, Engineering College of Odense; Prof. José Luis Juan-Aracil, ETSICCP Madrid; Prof. Richard Kastner, INSA Lyon; Prof. Stavros Savidis, Technical University of Berlin; Prof. Efrossini Kalkani, National Technical University of Athens; Mr. Xavier Sanchez-Vila, University Politehnica of Catalunya.

The meeting was also attended by a number of representatives of partner institutions, namely: Prof. Peter Ruge, Technical University of Dresden; Mr. Colin Kerr, Imperial College London; Ms. Gabriela Vila, University Politehnica of Valencia; Prof. Nicoleta Rãdulescu, TUCE Bucharest; Assoc. Prof. Vincentas Stragys, University Vilnius Gediminas; Prof. Antal Lovas, University of Technology and Economics Budapest; Prof. Bruce Misstear, Trinity College Dublin; Prof. Alois Materna, Technical University of Brno; Prof. Vaclav Kuraz, Czech Technical University Prague; Prof. Virgil Breabãn, University ”Ovidius” Constanþa; Dipl.-Ing. Ralf Reinecke, Technical University Munich.

The ENPC Paris was represented by: Mr. Pierre Veltz, Director of ENPC; Mr. Alain Neveu, Head of Department; Mr. Jean Michel Torrenti, Head of Department; Ms. Adelaide Ferraille.

Prof. M A Cammarota opened the meeting by introducing Mr. Pierre Veltz, Director of the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées.

Mr. P. Veltz addressed a very warm welcome to the participants. At the beginning of his speech, Mr. P. Veltz congratulated the Romanian editors of the EUCEET first volume, Prof. I. Manoliu and Assoc. Prof. T. Bugnariu, and Prof. M A Cammarota for her excellent job of coordinating the EUCEET project. He expressed his concern for the decline of the consideration given to the civil engineering profession and for the lack of interest of young people for this important field of activity. A project like EUCEET, showed in conclusion Mr. P. Veltz, is of paramount importance in the efforts made for the improvement of the present situation.

Prof. I. Manoliu thanked Mr. P. Veltz for his appreciations concerning the role and results of the EUCEET project.

He reminded that the ENPC hosted the first Steering Committee in December 1998 and during the almost 2,5 years since then gave a continuous and strong support to EUCEET.

The first point of the agenda dealt with the financial aspects of the 3rd year of the project, presented by Prof. M A Cammarota.

The second point on the agenda focused on the activity of the Working Groups. Prof. I. Manoliu, chairman of the Working Group D, made an information about the activities of the Group in the period from December 2000 till February 2001.

The WG D organised a meeting on 19 January 2001 hosted by U. P. Barcelona. A number of 14 people participated. The first answers at the Questionnaire on the Master and Doctoral programs were discussed and amendments to the Questionnaire were adopted.

In Barcelona, the WG D decided also to form a sub-group dealing with continuing education activities in civil engineering.

The first meeting of the sub-group dealing with continuous professional development took place on 22 February 2001, hosted by University ”Ovidius” Constanþa. A number of 26 participants, representing institutions partners in both EUCEET and TEMPUS CETTCE projects attended the meeting. The main outcome was a Questionnaire on continuing education activities in civil engineering.

The next meeting of the WG D will take place on 3 May 2001 in Trondheim, hosted by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

The activity of the WG E, chaired by Mr. P. Holmes, has not been presented, due to the absence of the chairman. Prof. I. Manoliu let know the audience that he has been informed by Prof. Bratteland that the WG E members will meet on 3 May 2001 in Trondheim.

The next point on the agenda was the presentation of the first EUCEET volume, entitled Inquiries into European Higher Education in Civil Engineering.

Prof. I. Manoliu, one of the two editors (the second one being Assoc. Prof. T. Bugnariu) had the pleasure to offer the very first 15 copies to the representatives of the partner institutions attending the meeting. After the distribution of the volume, some comments, questions, proposals followed.

It was decided that each academic institution partner in the project will receive 3 volumes, from which one to be given to the Library. Non-academic institutions partners in the project will receive two volumes (one for the Library). In addition, each partner will be invited to send to Prof. M A Cammarota a list of institutions and people to which the volume should be sent. A personalized letter signed by the EUCEET Coordinator will join each volume. The contact persons of EUCEET partner institution could also add a letter, if they wish so. As a rule, the volume should reach all institutions outside EUCEET involved in the surveys undertaken by the WGs A, B and C.

In the second session of the meeting, participants were informed on the activity of the Working Group F, which met in Paris, on 1st March 2001. A comprehensive presentation of the content of the WG F report made by the chairman of this Working Group, Mr. F. G. Baron.

The report will have three parts:

  1. Introduction
  2. Summary of the answers to the Questionnaire, for each country
  3. Conclusions

So far, institutions from a number of 9 countries have responded to the Questionnaire.

The next WG F meeting will take place on 11 May 2001 at Porto, together with the meeting of the ECCE Task Force on Education.

Prof. I. Manoliu made a state-of-the art of the preparations for EUCEET-ECCE International Conference ”Challenges to the Civil Engineering Profession in Europe at the beginning on the new millennium” (13-15 July) and for the Third EUCEET General Assembly (16-17 July 2001).

It has been presented the programme of the period from 12 to 17 July 2001 and the 10 topics of the 10 plenary sessions.

Six sessions will be included in the programme of the Conference (13-15 July 2001) from which two will cover the topic of the Working Group F ”Demands of the economics and professional environments in respect to civil engineering education”.

The other 4 sessions will have the following themes:

As for the General Assembly, to be held on 16 and 17 July, 4 sessions are planned, with the following themes:

The next point on the agenda was devoted to the EUCEET Full Application for the Dissemination Year, submitted to the Commission in Brussels on 28 February 2001.

Prof. M A Cammarota presented the general rules of this kind of application and, accordingly, some financial aspects.

The new application has a total number of 87 partner institutions, all the former partners and a number of 7 new partners.

Prof. I. Manoliu described the main activities planned, including meetings (Steering Committee meetings, Working Group meetings, EUCEET Regional Fora) and publications.

The last point on the agenda focused on the preparation of the letter of intent for a EUCEET II project, due to be sent to Brussels by 1st November 2001.

Prof. I. Manoliu asked all participants to contribute by the time of the General Assembly in Sinaia with proposals and ideas, concerning the content of the new project EUCEET II.








13-15 July 2001 - SINAIA, ROMANIA

Conference overview

The conference format will include key-note lectures presented by distinguished representatives of various segments of the civil engineering profession in Europe and several workshops.

The main topics proposed for contributions and discussions are:

Correspondence regarding the Conference shall be addressed to:

Prof. Iacint MANOLIU
Chairman for EUCEET-ECCE Conference
Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest
Bul. Lacul Tei, Nr. 124
72302 Bucharest, ROMANIA
Tel: +40.1.2421208 / ext.139
Fax: +40.1.2420866

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