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Department of Architectural Engineering
Faculty of Civil Engineering, CTU in Prague

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Building Structures 1

Weekly load:2+1
Type of study:Bachelor
Type of course:Compulsory
Main lecturer:Doc.Ing.Eva Burgetová, CSc., Doc. Ing.Hana Gattermayerová, CSc.


Building Design Concept, Requirements on Buildings, Structural System, Interaction of Structural Elements, Space Behaviour of Structural System, Vertical Load Bearing Structures (Function, Requirements, Principles of wall and column structure), Floor Structurel (Function, Requirements, Vaults, Timber Floors, RC floors, Steel and Composite Floor Slabs). Building Structures, Long Span Structures


  1. Barry R.: The Construction of Building, Volume 1, Oxford BSP, 1991
  2. Barritt C. M. H.: Advanced Building Construction, Vols. 1 - 4, Longman, 1988 - 1991
  3. Gattermayerova: Lectures Syllabus on web

Only in Czech:

  1. Hájek P. a kol.: Konstrukce pozemních staveb 1 – Nosné konstrukce I, skriptum ČVUT, Praha 2006
  2. Horniaková L. a kol.: Konštrukcie pozemných stavieb 1, SNTL, Praha 1988

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