FSv CVUT - foto
Department of Architectural Engineering
Faculty of Civil Engineering, CTU in Prague

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The research activities of the department focuses on theoretical and experimental research in the field of structural engineering, and includes the following activities:

  • Sustainable building, energy-and material-efficient design of buildings
  • Integrated design, comprehensive evaluation of the quality of buildings
  • Static design issues of building design and construction systems and indoor multi-storey buildings
  • Non load-bearing structures
  • Interaction of load-bearing and additional systems and subsystems and its impact on long-term durability of structures
  • Building physics problems (thermal engineering, acoustics, lighting), the use of new materials and technologies to improve the quality of indoor environment and saving energy resources, radon problematics
  • Technical and physical analysis of buildings, non-force loading effects and influences
  • Life of buildings and their reconstruction, diagnosis of defects and failures and degradation of structural materials, microbiology, moisture
  • Reconstruction and rehabilitation of failures of masonry, concrete, steel and wooden structures, regeneration of prefabricated houses
  • Use of high performance, low energy, alternative natural and recycled materials in building construction
  • Research into the diffusion of open nanotextiles building construction


In January 2006, the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Prague launched an experimental solar facades and roof installation with a nominal installed capacity of 41 kWp. The system is equipped with detailed measurements of operating characteristics and marginal weather conditions. More on fotovoltaika.fsv.cvut.cz.

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