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Department of Architectural Engineering
Faculty of Civil Engineering, CTU in Prague

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The Department of Architectural Engineering is involved in many international projects.

Ongoing Projects:

SuPerBuildings 7.RP - Sustainability and performance assessment and benchmarking of buildings (2010 - 2012) (coord.: P. Hajek, A. Lupisek)

PERFECTION 7.RP - Coordination Action for Performance Indicators for Health, Comfort and Safety of the Indoor Environment (2008 - 2010) (coord. P. Hajek, A. Lupisek)


Finished Projects:

LEnSE 6.RP - Methodology Development towards a Label for Environmental, Social and Economic Buildings (2006 - 2008) (coord. P. Hajek, A. Lupisek)

SUREURO 5.RP - Sustainable Refurbishment of Europe (2002 - 2004) (coord. M. Pavlikova, P. Hajek)

TEMPUS JEP 1811/ JEN 01811 / S-JEP 12358-97 - Building Design and Construction - European Studies (1991 - 2000) (kontraktor: P. Hájek)

ERRICCA 1 European Research into Radon in Construction Concerted Action (1997 - 1999), coordinator M. Jiranek

ERRICCA 2 European Radon Research and Industry Collaboration Concerted Action (2002 – 2004), coordinator M. Jiranek