FSv CVUT - foto
Department of Architectural Engineering
Faculty of Civil Engineering, CTU in Prague

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Project Name: Radon Prevention and Remediation RADPAR

Enunciator: Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (European Communities Commission)

Period: 2009 - 2012
Status in the Project: Co-investigator
Representative of the Department: Doc. Ing. Martin Jiranek, CSc.

The main objective of the project is to reduce the presence of a lung cancer caused by radon in the EU Member States. This will be done through improved preventive and curative programs, standardized measurement and building remedial technical procedures, increased effectiveness of preventive and curative measures and the development of training and educational courses for radon measurements and the design and implementation of remedial measures. The project includes development of cost-benefit analysis of preventive and remedial measures and additional assessment of the potential conflict between minimizing the energy performance of buildings on one side and procedures against radon on the other.