prof.Ing. Jan Tywoniak, CSc.
Činnost: profesor
Místnost: A428
Telefon: 7175
E-mail: tywoniak(-at-)
Konzultační hodiny:
Úterý: 09:00 - 11:00 (Diplomanti podle dohody mailem)
profesor - specializace stavební tepelná technika, stavebně-energetické koncepce budov
člen vědecké rady fakulty
předseda oborové rady doktorského studia Pozemní stavby / Building Engineering
výzkumný pracovník UCEEB
od února 2018 člen Akademického senátu ČVUT
124EOB Seminar on Energy Optimized Buildings
Lecturer: prof.Ing. Jan Tywoniak CSc. Weekly load: 1+1 Assessment: ZK (Exam)
Department: 11124 Credits: 3 Semester: W
Introduction in the theory and practice of the design of low-energy buildings of different categories. Lectures and workshops
Definitions for practical use (passive buildings, net-zero energy buildings, primary energy)
Thermal performance (thermal transmittance, thermal bridges, energy balance)
Building envelope (building physics, traditional and progressive insulation materials) and building-energy concepts
Integration of renewable energy systems
Built examples: family houses, appartment buildings, office and school buildings
Real quality (thermography, air-tightness, monitoring)
Recommended literature:
VOSS, Karsten - MUSALL, Eike. Net Zero Energy Buildings: International Comparison of Karbon-Neutral Lifestyles. Birkhäuser Verlag, 2011
Proceedings from important international conferences like Passivhaustagung, EUROSUN, Sustainable Building,etc.
EU - Directive on Energy Performance of Buildings
passive buildings, net-zero energy buildings, primary energy thermal transmittance, thermal bridges, energy balance
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