- 2011 -
In the international competition of SVOČ wich was held on May 19, 2011 in Kosice won student work from our department at the Section Building Structures and Architecture . Student Hansley Pravin Gaya presented work "Design and Optimization of Numerical Models of Sandstone Monuments in Angkor" , the work prepared under the guidance of Assoc. prof. J. Pasek, PhD.
Photogalerie is on: http://www.svf.tuke.sk/svoc2011/
On April 20, 2011 the University held the 12th year Contest SVOČ. Logged work was 7, one competitor is excused for illness. The professional level of contributions was high and the jury assessed after a long discussion of the final order. Work located at 1 and 2 proceed to place an international competition to be held May 19, 2011 in Kosice.
- 2010 -
At the end of November 2010 our department in cooperation with NRPI open educational radon trail. Details can be found on the trail www.radontrail.eu.
On September 12, 2010 the Department organized together with the National Radiation Protection Institute Workshop on international comparative measurement of radon diffusion coefficient in the membranes, which was attended by representatives of 11 laboratories from Europe, Asia and America. The aim was to discuss the causes of divergent results. The meeting came to a recommendation to develop a uniform standard for measuring the diffusion coefficient of radon. This task has voluntarily acquitted our department together with the State Institute of radiation protection. Our developed methodology was adopted as the draft of ISO 11665-10.
On May 20, 2010 took place 11 Annual International SVOČ round, held this year at the Faculty of Civil Engineering CTU in Prague. Under construction and architecture was entered 12 teams competing. The top two runners-up teams from the Technical University in Prague. Course sessions are recorded in photographs and in the minutes of the meeting - download below. Section was sponsored by Baumit ltd.
On June 30 - July 2, 2010 will be held at the Faculty of International Conference CESB10 (Central Europe Towards Sustainable Building), which is co-organized by Department of Architectural Engineering.
- 2009 -
On April 28, 2009 was held faculty SVOČ contest in 2009 in "Civil Engineering and Architecture.
Third year of annual student competition for the company CEMBRIT 2009 was held.
A competition KM BETA for 2009 was announced.
- 2008 -
Competition was launched on the 21st centrury Prefabricated House.
Competition was launched in beta for KM Btea 2008. Guarantor of competition Assoc. Sarka Šilarová.
Contest was announced with the company CEMBRIT 2008. Guarantor of competition Assoc. Vaclav Hajek.
In 2008 a second year of the Hall of the Year took place, this time in two categories - Junior (18 1, 2008 for students in secondary vocational schools and grammar schools) and Academic (intended for university students)
- 2007 -
In 2007, the company CEMBRIT competition was held. The competition was focused on the maximum and the correct use of all products manufactured by CEMBRIT focusing on the façade systems.
- 2006 -
In 2006 the department participated in the third year student's competition Building a new generation
- 2005 -
In 2005, the staff of the department organized a very successful student's
Competition Hall of the Year
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