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Department of Architectural Engineering
Faculty of Civil Engineering, CTU in Prague

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Building Structures - E

Weekly load:4+0
Assessment:Credit, exam
Type of study:Bachelor
Term:Summer, winter
Type of course:Compulsory
Main lecturer:doc.Ing.Hana Gattermayerová, Csc.


Integrated approach to design of building structures considering complex of performance requirements. Requirements on buildings, sub structures and elements.

1. Basic classification and development of building structure;
2. Requirement on building structures, structural systems, space rigidity;
3.-4. Vertical load bearing structures (performance, requirements, design principles, walls, columns);
5.-6. Floor structures (performance, requirements, design principles of vaults, timber floors, RC floor structures, steel and composite steel and RC floor structures);
7. Overhanging structures (performance, requirements, design principles of balconies, canopies, cornices);
8. Expansion joints in load bearing structures;
9. Staircase structures;
10. Basement structures;
11. Foundations;
12. Roof truss structures;
13. Structural Systems for Single- and Multistorey Buildings. Structural Systems for Long Span Structures. Superstructures. High Rise Buildings.



Hájek P. a kol.: Konstrukce pozemních staveb. Nosné konstrukce 1, skriptum ČVUT v Praze, Nakladatelství ČVUT, 2007
Barry R.: The Construction of Buildings 1, Walls, Floors, Blackwell Science 1996
Witzany J. a kol.: Konstrukce pozemních staveb 20,, skriptum, Nakladatelství ČVUT v Praze

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