FSv CVUT - foto
Department of Architectural Engineering
Faculty of Civil Engineering, CTU in Prague

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Structural design project 1 (in Czech only)

Weekly load:0+4
Assessment:Classified credit
Type of study:Bachelor
Type of course:Compulsory
Main lecturer:Ing. Marek Pokorný, Ph.D.


Proposal of bearing structures of submitted building (up to 8 floors or 15 m span). Analysis of the load and all relevant requirements (functional, technological, operational), design of 2 - 3 load-bearing system alternatives including foundations and preliminary design of bearing elements dimensions. Conceptual design of related final completion structures (claddings, partitions, floorings, roof coats etc.) and internal building services. Characteristics of positives and negatives and comparison between the different variants. Choice, development and optimization of the most suitable version of bearing system, calculations, technical report and drawings (structural drawings, chosen floor plan, layout of foundations, section, selected details + specialized parts). Final presentation.


  1. DOSEDĚL A. a kol., Čítanka stavebních výkresů. Sobotáles, ISBN: 8085920158.
  2. 124PS01, 124KPSC - přednášky
  3. Akustické požadavky (podklad bude zaslán na školní mail)
  4. Tepelně technické požadavky: http://kps.fsv.cvut.cz/index.php?lmut=cz&part=vyuka&sub=predmety&type=all&kod=124PS01&cviceni=43 (viz soubor Stanovení součinitele prostupu tepla U, dostupné po přihlášení na Intranet)

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